The most versatile macro recorder for Windows in the world

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ESX-Library - Main benefits and features
ESX-Library is a collection of OLE Automation Objects specially designed for testing purposes. These objects can be used in E-Scripter or any other scripting or programming environment.

BinaryFile object compares two files of any kind. It is possible to define exclude regions. The intention is to compare files created by the application under test.

FileDialog object displays the standard Windows file-open and file-save dialog.

ListBoxDialog object displays a simple listbox that the user can fill with his items. It can serve as a simple menu.

Memory object watches status of memory and compares the values. The object can also display the values in a chart.

Notify object can trap notification messages sent by Eventcorder during a playback.

ProgressDialog object displays a small progress bar in the top left corner of the screen. The user can use the progress bar for indication of progress of his own loops in a script.

Screenshots object compares screenshots made during playback. The object can create differential bitmaps as well as display two shots side by side for easy visual review. It is possible to define exclude regions.

Standard screenshots comparison:

Color-insensitive comparison:

Color-insensitive and position-tolerant comparison with the exclude region:

Synchronize object can help to synchronize the script run with the driven applications.

System object includes general-purpose methods.

Windows object contains methods for finding and focusing windows.
