The most versatile macro recorder for Windows in the world

Important: this web site concerns older version 2.
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What's new
Released on December 21st, 2007:
  • E-Scheduler
    The application is not protected by a license any more and some bugfixing was done as well. This version is not part of the installer yet, download separately from
    http://www.eventcorder.com/downloads/escheduler.zip and replace executable in existing installation.

Released on March 13th, 2007:

  • E-Scheduler
    It was possible to schedule only Takes (*.ecf). Now it is extended to Scripts (*.ebs) and also to general tasks (command line to call other executables, batch files, etc).

Released on July 31st, 2005:

  • ESX-Library 2.7
    The method WaitForSpot of the object Synchronize didn't recognize some colors. This problem is fixed now.
  • ObjectSpy
    New version of the application that enables to display also inherited TypeInfo of the objects.

Released on March 27th, 2005:

  • Eventcorder
    Minor enhacements and fixes.
  • E-Scripter
    Minor enhacements and fixes.

Released on February 6th, 2005:

  • Eventcorder
    Minor enhancements.
  • E-Scripter
    It is possible to define file masks for the tree nodes on the Files tab.
  • E-Scheduler
    Minor enhancements.
  • ESX-Library 2.6
    New methods of the Windows object: MaximizeWindow(), MinimizeWindow() and RestoreWindow().

Released on December 11th, 2004:

  • Eventcorder
    New option in File properties, Use SendKeys syntax for TYPE TEXT commands. It enables to "type" keys like Enter, Escape or the cursor arrows, with the TYPE TEXT command.
  • Eventcorder suite installer
    New "toy" application, Form. It mimics a form, either a program or a Web form. Together with the sample script and the take (DataInputting.*) it shows how Eventcorder can input data (using SendKeys syntax and TYPE TEXT commands). It can not only fill in edit fields, but also handle controls like combo boxes and radio buttons.
  • ESX-Library 2.5
    It was possible to use screenshots files (*.ssf) as the ReferenceFile and the ImmediateFile properties of the object Screenshots. Now it is possible to assign also a name of a simple bitmap file (*.bmp). This way you can compare and evaluate your own bitmaps.

Released on November 27th, 2004:

  • E-Scheduler
    It is now possible to work with takes and scripts in default directories, therefore no Workspaces are necessary.

Released on November 13th, 2004:

  • ESX-Library 2.4
    A new method GetWindowRect of the object Windows. The method gets coordinates of the specified window.

Released on November 6th, 2004:

  • ESX-Library 2.3
    A new object, ScreenVideo. With this object it is possible to record a video of the desktop as a sequence of screenshots of the full screen. This video can be replayed with the object, saved to a file and loaded back.
  • E-Scheduler
    The message box informing the user that "no task will be started as scheduled while the main dialog is open".

Released on October 17th, 2004:

  • Eventcorder
    Seen window in the events editing dialog is replaced with a combo box. It is possible now to work with all the windows that were visible at the moment when the playback failed.
  • E-Scheduler
    Tool bar with icons.
    It was not possible to run Other tasks, it is fixed now.
    Other minor enhancements.

Released on October 10th, 2004:

  • Eventcorder
    It is possible to set a strictness for the Focusing. Be default, strictness for window titles is set to 25%. Thanks to this, for example, the playback will not stop when once the title of the window is "Untitled - Notepad" and once it is "c:\MyFile.text - Notepad". It is possible to set strictness for both the window title and the window class name.
  • E-Scripter
    Minor enhancements.
  • E-Scheduler
    Minor enhancements.
  • ESX-Library 2.2
    Minor enhancements.

Released on October 2nd, 2004:

  • Eventcorder
    Color-insensitive merging of both seen and expected images in the events editing dialog.
  • E-Scheduler
    After a Windows shutdown the new defined tasks were lost. This if fixed now.